Day 1 Recap

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Today, we got onboard Cat.Chat Airlines and took a Radical Ride to Canada. Ask your child what country their group is named after!


The Theme was “Get Onboard” At each of our stations, we had fun learning about prayer and how the angels guide us on our journey with God. 

Virtue of the Day

The Virtue of the Day was responsibility.  We discussed that responsiblity is to do something with great care and attention, taking initiative and following through. We can all take responsiblity to pray and grow in our relationship with Jesus.

Saint of the Day

The Saint of the Day was Saint Raphael. We presented each child with a saint card today, so please read the story on the back of the card with your child.

Faith Station

In the faith station, your child learned that taking a ride in an airplane can make us think of prayer. Picture Jesus as the pilot and we are His passengers. When we get onboard and allow Jesus to be our pilot, our lives can be a great journey, an awesome adventure, A Radical Ride! Sometimes the ride of our life may be smooth and calm, and other times we might experience turbulence with ups and downs. When we ride our lives on the wings of prayer, we can experience more peace and greater joy! This ride could change your life! By learning more about prayer this week at VBS, it will help us to enter into a deeper friendship with Jesus! 

Bible Verse of the Day

“Draw near to God and He will draw near to you...” James 4:8

Music Station

Our VBS theme song is called, “Radical Ride.” We also learned another song called, “In the Presence of the Angels.” Ask your child to sing and do some of the actions to these songs. Below is a link to the video as well as a music file that you can download. If you requested a CD, your child will be bringing it home. You can also download all the songs on the CD with this link. We hope you continue to listen to the songs hey learn this week so VBS will remain in their heart all year long. 

Craft Station

Have your child tell or show you the bag they decorated in the craft station! PLEASE have your child bring their bag each day. They can use it to carry all the items the collect throughout the week.

We also had a Saint of the Day Coloring Page and the Cat Chat Coloring Contest page. Be sure to give your completed coloring page to your group leader. We will announce a winner from each group on Friday and all submissions will be displayed.

Snack Station

The kids made Edible Airplanes in their snack station. It was a tasty snack to kick off our Cathletics VBS opening day! 

Games Station

We played some fun, high-energy games (Packing the Suitcase and Passport). Each participant recieved their very own passport! Be sure they keep it in their bag and bring it back each day to get a new stamp!

 Ask your child to tell you what they enjoyed the most in the games station today!

Take Home Items

St. Raphael Saint card

Questions to ask your child:

The Cat.Chat Challenge today is:

Challenge your child (and other family members) to memorize this prayer to our Guardian Angel: 

“Angel of God, my Guardian dear, to whom God’s love commits me here. Ever this day, be at my side, to light, to guard, to rule and guide. Amen.” 

Each child recieved a copy of this special prayer.

Tomorrow’s theme is:

“Taking-off” to Poland and learning how to pray and put our trust in Jesus!

Our 100% Catholic Vacation Bible School Program is hosted by the St. Isidore's Mom's Group. 

The program is provided by Cat Chat. Learn more about them and their programs at

Want to join the Mom's Group? Email and we will connect you!